Life Lately

Life Lately
"Fountain" - Dharm Shah (2023)

So tomorrow I have my first exam, which is crazy. But I think I really like biology, like learning about the body is super cool. Even the super small processes and the microdetails because all of revolutionary science at this point is like at the microscopic level. Humans are such fragile creatures and its crazy something that we can’t see can just enter our body and kill a majority of the population. It also impressive that these small viruses and bacteria just mess with some set of body functions or pair to certain receptors in the body and that can just poison us or cause all of our muscles to freeze up. But there is still so much to learn. Its funny because in these classes I am just learning about myself and how I function on a biological level. Having this knowledge I think is super underrated because my understanding of our body and how we work is definitely higher than the majority of the population. And being in dental school is like any anime. Everyone has their own quirks and personality but everyone wants to be a dentist and we all have our different powers to achieve the goal. But there is still so much about ourselves that we have no understanding of at all. All of the science I have learned has reached the limits in certain processes or why they occur. There is still so much to know and as we enter the new ages, different characteristics will lead to certain populations reproducing and it will be interesting to see what genes and what traits we will have in the future. What if our eyes became blue light resistant because of increasing screen usage because those with those specific genes reproduced and lived on.

I also believe that we are just animals at the end of the day, just some smart monkeys. The way we function and the traits we share are shared with lot of other animals and phenomena found in Earth. We are truly connected to this planet and we and our environment influence each other in both positive and negative ways. I think living life is super interesting and seeing how humans and our populations interact with each other. I think reading into human nature, psychology, and biology I am starting to peel back and analyze and look things into a deeper level which allows me to make better and more satisfying decisions. Also I am learning a lot from my peers and those around me. Everyone is so smart and we all have certain similarities and enough differences to make connections interesting and familiar at the same time. Everyone here is so nice and so supportive and has been really motivating me to be myself and this feels different.

I think the biggest difference ever in life, is that I entered Dental school with a definite identity. I think because of covid and our forced break I was able to take that year and a half and really introspect as well as trip balls plenty of times and then was able to see who I really was. This last year was also super eye opening as I got to explore the world as well as different hobbies to see what I really enjoyed. Then coming into school I made sure to just stick to who I was and that has done great dividends. I realized that life is short to fake yourself and bend who you are to appease others or maintain harmony.

Thanks for reading, let’s grow together :)

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Jamie Larson