5 Easy Ways to Read More Books in the Next 30 Days

5 Easy Ways to Read More Books in the Next 30 Days

Are you struggling to find time to read more books? If so, you're not alone. Our busy lives can often get in the way of our reading goals. However, reading is an important part of personal growth and development, so it's essential to make time for it. Here are five easy ways to read more books in the next 30 days:

  1. Read anything you want, such as articles. Don't limit yourself to just books. Reading anything, whether it's articles, blog posts, or short stories, can help you develop a reading habit and get into the reading mindset. When I first started to take reading seriously, I just read any articles that I found interesting and felt I could learn from. I started with Instapaper as it is a super easy to use read it later app. I also read a lot of manga as well, which I consider to be reading as well. Just start reading anything, even fan fiction if you are into it. Over time you’ll start training your focus and your reading skills and be able to move on to books and harder to read items.
  2. Have book reading apps on your phone. With so many book reading apps available, it's easy to carry your reading material with you wherever you go. Apps like Pocketbook or Kindle let you access your books from your phone, so you can read anytime, anywhere. Before I got my kindle I used pocketbook and used PDFdrive to find free copies of each book. I would then download the book and sync it with my google drive to pocketbook. Pocketbook is a super clutch reading app that is COMPLETELY FREE, shoutout Calvin. I recently switched to reading just on the kindle, but having these apps are super useful.
  3. Keep a physical book around your workspace. Having a book around your workspace can be a great reminder to take a break and read. It's also a nice way to disconnect from screens and give your eyes a rest. This also takes into account the principle of “in sight, in mind” meaning things that we visually see we are way more likely to remember and execute on. If you keep a book on your workspace and desk, whenever you get the urge you will see the book and start reading. Reading a book can also be a good break, because you are not straining your eyes looking at your smaller screen when taking a break from your bigger screen.
  4. Delete social media. Social media can be a huge time suck. By deleting social media apps from your phone, you'll free up more time for reading. Plus, you'll be less distracted and able to focus more on your book. Also when you don’t have social media on your phone but are still bored and want to be stimulated, you can easily open your book app and start reading. Even if you read a few pages at a time, you’ll be amazed by how much progress you’ll start making. Also heavy consumption of social media reduces your attention span, while reading will help increase it.
  5. Buy a Kindle. A Kindle is a great investment for avid readers. It's portable, lightweight, and lets you carry thousands of books with you. Plus, the e-ink screen is easy on the eyes, so you can read for longer periods without getting eye strain. The kindle is goated, I got my kindle last Thursday and I have already completed 3 books, “Almanack Of Naval Ravikant”, “100M Offers”, and “I will Teach You How to be Rich”. Its super easy to get books using the kindle services and I am just consuming so much knowledge.

By following these tips, you'll be able to read more books in the next 30 days. Remember, do whatever you want, if you want to read, then use these tips to do it. If you don’t want to read then don’t its your life anyways and I don’t even care.

Thank you for reading, let’s grow together!

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