Are you Enjoying Life or Escaping it?

In these last couple of weeks the concept of death has been looming on my mind. The fact that all of a sudden we are no longer living and go someplace where no one knows. The concept of an afterlife is also prevalent in many cultures, while some say we go to heaven, some say we go to hell, and some say we are reincarnated. The one thing for sure is that we do not know, and that is the truth. We do not know where we go after death so I consider questions like that a waste of time to ponder or think about, because we will never know until we do or until we are dead. But death is something that gives life meaning, because we can only truly enjoy something if we know it has an end.

I have also been thinking about purpose and the reason for being on this planet. Once again we do know why we are here. There are countless theories and debates on why we are here and what are we supposed to do. The one thing for sure is that we are here so might as well just live it because we will never know why we are here. Once again I think trying to find the meaning of life is also a useless questions to ponder, or is it? Right as I typed that out I thought about my definition for the meaning of life which is: to live and enjoy life. We are given life to enjoy it and do whatever we want that feels good to us at that time. We know the planet will die eventually and nothing matters in the end. So might as well spend the life we are given and enjoy it instead of worrying about the little things or our failures, because in the end nothing matters and that is what I find beautiful. There is this relief that I feel in this nihilistic belief that nothing matters. However I think because nothing matters might as well work hard and put our lives to use. Work hard and explore the world so we can find our purpose and live it out to its full capacity. Since nothing matters why not try in this life and make the most out of it and have fun.

I feel that modern society is pushing us into a mind numbing state where we are just conditioned to hate life and find ourselves on the other side of nothing matters, in which because nothing matters why do anything at all. This other interpretation of nothing matters is quite popular among people around my age and it is not entirely their fault for believing it. The foods that we eat, the activities that we engage in, and the people that we meet just propagate this second interpretation of nothing matters. The processed foods that we are consuming our leading people to become obese, which is not a positive thing, obesity literally kills people and literally increases chances for every single disease and death at a early age. When you are obese it may lead to mobility problems. You cannot move as you once did before limiting your physical capabilities, which limits your mental capabilities, which makes life suck. We are stuck inside our homes scrolling on TikTok and social media numbing our minds because we don’t know what to do with our lives. These activities are messing with our mental health and our dopamine, preventing us from truly living our lives and making the most on our time here on Earth. This instant gratification that we get from these apps and technology are preventing us from engaging in activities that mean something to us. Prevents us from being healthy, doing meaningful activities, and making meaningful connections. I hate negative people and I have met more than I would like in my lifetime. These people can’t see anything but how life sucks and are constantly spreading their limiting beliefs to other people. I consider these people zombies, they are dead inside and have killed their own hopes and dreams, and I no longer have sympathy for them unless they want to change.

We have two lives, and the second begins when we realize we only have one ” – Confucius.

However once we stop doing what the majority of people do, we can finally live our second life and live a life with purpose, joy, and meaning. A life in which we are energized and are adding value to the world. When we engage in building ourselves and spreading positive energy to our surrounding, you will notice a positive feedback loop. I believe most of my interactions with people are positive and I have such a good life because I myself am a positive person. Always trying to find that silver lining, always trying to find that win-win, always trying to find a reason to smile. Happiness is a choice, you choose to be happy. The more you smile, the more you compliment, the more you say hello, the world becomes a better place. You should also take a deep dive and truly ask yourself, “What am I doing with my life” Are you living a life in which you will achieve your dreams or are you on a path where you are dead by 30. Most people don’t like thinking about these questions because it is scary. If you are not satisfied with life you will spend a majority of it escaping and running away. Running away from your fears in alcohol, clubs, negative people, junk food, and a sedentary lifestyle. I remember a popular saying in college was “Bro that night was so lit I don’t remember anything” is that really the way we want to live our lives, equating a fun night to not remembering that night at all. Are you sleeping your days away, scrolling your days away, eating your days away. Are you enjoying life or escaping it?

I believe that we can truly find our purpose once we wake up and stop indulging in the activities that modern society wants us to do so badly. You got to ask yourself what do you really want and how do you want your life to be in the next month, year, and 5 years. It is best to think that, “Yes I can change my life, I can go to a better place!” Get excited about change, get excited about the future, get excited about life. You can achieve your dreams and you can get everything that you ever wanted, you just have to set your intentions and work towards it, instead of frying your dopamine receptors by spending countless hours consuming media. Eventually you will find your purpose and you will find a reason you are here, because only you can answer that question. Only you know the reason for your existence, and the best part is you get to make the answer. You get to be the person who decides who you are, why you are here, and what you are meant to do, and I believe in you, you got this!

Nothing matters, why not make the most of it?

Thanks for reading, let’s grow together 🙂

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