Beauty in the Differences

Beauty in the Differences
Photo by Dan Cook / Unsplash

When I was younger I kept wondering if I would ever meet someone that thought the exact same way. Now I know I never will. There is no one that thinks like us, feels like us, or even goes through the same experience. When describing events that connect us, we often use emotional expressions such as "that was amazing," "it was so memorable," or "that was lit." However, it's important to recognize that while we may both feel that something is amazing, we may value different aspects of the experience that made it amazing for each of us. Even though the reason for the feelings may differ, we are still sharing the same feeling and this is what is important. The carnival can be amazing because I got to eat fried Oreos, and you got to the ride the bull. The reason doesn’t have to be the same but the feeling does. We connect with one another on these feelings. The reason we have the people in our lives is because they make us feel a certain way. We might have a friend with whom we can discuss profound topics because it makes us feel intelligent. We can have a workout session together because it will give us an adrenaline rush. We can grab some fast food because it will make us feel satisfied. Connecting with one another based on these feelings is the key to strengthening our relationships. The more time you spend with a person, the more feelings that you have both experienced and shared. These shared experiences can bring you closer, and you can learn about yourself even more. When we have our feelings mirrored we feel this inner peace that we are truly not alone in the experiences we have. Those who suffer together often have the strongest bonds, as they have shared similar experiences that elicit similar emotions. We are all drawn to this shared experience of feeling, as this is how humans connect. These shared feelings then can become values.

Thank you for reading, let’s grow together :)

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