Creative Systems Part 1

Honestly as I was about to write this, it got me thinking do I even have a system. My systems and my way of creating change quite a bit as I grow and see what is working and what isn’t. I consider creative systems as ever changing and thus should be tweaked regularly. No system is the end-all be-all best system, they all need work and everyone needs to figure out systems that work for them. I hope you can see how I do things to get you thinking about how you do things. The system or the tool I used the most has been the Notion Kanban Board. This board feature is super useful to see my ideas transition from idea to completed. Feels pretty good too and here is the board for this website right now.

Whenever I get an idea for the website, I write it down on the ideas column. I also don’t have any filter for ideas, I write down any idea that could work. I will never get to all the ideas, its impossible. I am always coming up with new ideas and quickly jumping around and finishing any idea that I have passion for. Many of these smaller ideas actually become support for a larger idea. After looking through the ideas I pick one of the ideas or a couple of ideas and start writing. Sometimes I don’t even look at the idea column and just start writing a completely new article based on what I was thinking in the moment. As I start writing I start to get a better idea of what I want to say and how I want to say it. Sometimes as I am writing one article, it’ll start to sound like a completely different idea. Once I notice this I start re-framing the article to the fit the new idea. Also if I pick an article and don’t enjoy writing it, I just trash it and move on. This board is a tool I utilize the most when it comes to this website. If you would like a template, please feel free to comment below or reach out to me. If there is enough demand I will make template, free, for everyone to use. I will discuss additional systems in the future.

Thanks for reading, let’s grow together 🙂

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Jamie Larson