Damn They Weren't Kidding

Damn They Weren't Kidding
Everyone said that going to dental school is drinking out of a fire hydrant and damn they were not kidding LMAO

So this week was my first week of dental school, and not going to lie it did not feel like a week but more like a month. Its crazy that I have only been in Philly for two weeks now but it feels like I have been living here for a minute. I think this is because I have had so many new experiences that it is helping my time dilation by making my time here feel a lot longer than it is.

With the start of dental school I decided this is the perfect time to start fresh and build up new habits. I have been waking up every single day between 5-7 am, accept Thursday where I woke up at 12 pm, and hit the gym the first thing before class. I have been following a workout suggestion from Andrew Huberman who suggests to only do 5 sets of 5 reps per exercise and to focus on lifting heavy weight. Since been doing this my numbers across all the exercises have increased and I haven't been getting as sore as I used to doing more volume. Seeing my numbers go up feels great. Also getting a workout in before class helps with my energy levels as I have class almost every single day from 9-5 pm, and somedays have 4 hours of lab, followed by 4 hours of lecture.

I am glad that my classmates are super chill and super supportive of me. I think this is the first time where I have been mainly unapologetically myself and I have been getting celebrated for it. The choices I make and the energy I attract has all been super positive and am super glad that even in a short two weeks I already have friends and a network that pushes each other to grow to new heights. People here are also super ambitious and take school seriously which is like my high school, which feels great again. No longer am I one of the smartest people in the room or the best. This feels great as there is so much to learn from my peers and thus the potential for my growth is even higher. My classmates are also all over the country and I have a lot of friends that are from Canada and learning the difference between the two North American Giants is super interesting.

One thing that I have to get used to is being around people all the time. The last 3 years I have spent the majority of my days by myself and so being super social all the time is something I need to get used to. Being around similar like minded people that differ in interesting ways is great. However I am not able to maintain a conversations all the time and definitely need time to be alone and process and recharge. Thus I am super grateful to be living alone and having my apartment as purely my space. I can control every variable in my space and thus my space is super optimized for myself and my needs. I still need to get a few more things because school has been taking the priority but so far have been loving living alone and I think at this stage of my life is the perfect time to do so.

Overall Dental school has been super fun. Yesterday I spent 3 hours making a wax model of a tooth and damn it is hard work but super fun. Also everything I am learning now feels relevant and has a purpose and reason for why it is being taught. Also everyone is super passionate about dentistry so it feels great when I make advanced science jokes or dental jokes and my classmates understand. I think in this chapter of my life I am about to grow even more and cannot wait to see who I am on the other side.

Thank you for reading, let's grow together :)

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