Decision Paralysis!!!

In February I was quite confused on how to spend my time and what I should be doing. I decided to call up my dad and ask him for advice, he told me when you are stuck overthinking, just do or just start any action. When you are stuck in a mode of overthinking and feel frozen, just doing anything will bring great benefit. For example, go on a walk, play a game of league, watch a TV show, start your homework, go shopping. When you start doing an action or take the next step, it will bring you one step closer to the next step, which will bring you one step closer on what to do next, and thus you will get moving and not be stuck.

This helped me a lot. When I was stuck on what to write, I just start writing whatever comes to mind. This helps the gears in my brain to start moving and slowly I start gaining clarity on what I want to write and start rewriting and editing, or just realize this topic is not worth exploring and just move on.

I find myself stuck in decision paralysis a lot, since now we have so many choices, sometimes I just don’t know what to do. I don’t know what to eat, what do watch, who to talk to, or even what to wear. These decisions can cause a lot of wasted time, as I just sit there and contemplating and then get more stressed because I can’t decide. This is when this advice applies well and I just go with my gut feeling without evaluating the pros and cons, because it will get me moving which will then take me to my next step. Most of the decisions we make on the day to day are not detrimental, such as if I eat a sandwich or a pasta, I am not going to die, or if my outfit wasn’t as coordinated as I would like, I will also not die. I always have the next meal or the next day to learn from my previous decisions and make a better decision. You don’t have to evaluate the pros and cons and all the options, just listen to your gut and things will work out. Even if they don’t you always have another chance. Just stop sitting there and do something, honestly anything will help.

As always, thanks for reading and letting me help you become a better you!

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Jamie Larson