Feeling Absolutely Terrible

I really did not feel like writing an article today. This is honestly the first time I felt this way. It’s crazy how there are ups and downs in everything. One day you can feel over the moon and the next day you can feel really sad. The good thing is that since life operates in cycles if you are feeling sad it’s a relief to know that your going to feel better or even happy next. Days that you feel low there is no point in pushing yourself to the extreme and honestly you gotta just get the bare minimum done. This bare minimum is up to you. My bare minimums today was to write this article, work at the clinic, and hit the gym. That’s all I worried about doing and nothing else. I did not go above and beyond on my other side projects or did any research. I just ended up watching Command Zone play magic for 3 hours before bed.

However on days that I feel low I ask myself what went well today to shift my perspective in what I have achieved instead of what I could have or should have done. This helps me look at a day from a place of positivity. I literally write down anything that went well today. It can be simple things like getting ice cream, drinking coffee, going to the gym, seeing a beautiful flower, or even eating watermelon. This helps me start the next day full of positivity and motivation.

Also a perspective shift I learned that was super valuable: instead of asking why am I so tired, ask why do I need so much rest? This helps me identify any thing I have done that isn’t serving me in being my best. This could be not eating breakfast, not hydrating properly, or not getting enough movement or sleep. I recommend reflecting on this to see which activities you have done today that have not served you. This helps you identify which activities help you be your best from the ones that prevent you from being your best. Once you identify what helps you be your best you can start creating a routine.

I know days that I wake up and get sun immediately I feel a lot better. I also noticed that being properly hydrated helps me feel better to. Thus I combined these activities. On my morning walks I take my hydroflask with me and drink water while I walk and get sun. WOMBO COMBO

It’s okay to feel terrible and your going to feel terrible in the future no matter what. Instead of fighting this, work with yourself and take it easy on days that you don’t feel 100%. It’s much better to rest and feed your soul with activities that you enjoy instead of grinding. On days that I feel low I make sure to get to bed early to make sure I maximize rest to ensure greatness the next day.

Thanks for reading, let’s grow together 🙂

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Jamie Larson