Go Towards Fear!

Last year I wanted to ask this girl out on a date. However I was nervous out of my mind because of the possible rejection that could come about. I debated for a couple of days, pushing off the day I would finally ask her. Then I came across this message “Go towards Fear”

This basically meant that if you want to grow you have to go in the direction of your fears. I was fearing getting rejected which meant that now I had to ask her out because if I want to grow I have to go against my fears. Fortunately for me she said yes, and I realized that its really not a big deal asking someone out, even if you get rejected. After I asked her out, I gained this new confidence and felt that I can ask out anyone I fancy in the future.

I applied this mindset to even smaller things, such as saying “Hello” to a acquaintance that I am passing by, because in the past I would just ignore them. I still get very anxious when saying “Hello” but the more I have done it, the easier it has become, and the better I feel about social interactions.

This can also apply for example hitting the gym. In the beginning you may feel shy or anxious as you feel unfit and unfamiliar, but as you keep going, you will learn more and then feel more confident, and lose the fear you once previously had.

Overall if I am scared of doing something, then I have now have to do it. Using this mindset has allowed me to grow and do things I never thought I could do. I realized the biggest mental block is myself and that I hold a lot of limiting beliefs. Overtime I have been slowly closing in against my fears and thus have been feeling more confident about life. However I am still growing and there are still a lot of fears I need to conquer, but remember always one step at a time!

As always, thanks for reading and letting me help you become a better you!

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Jamie Larson