Green is not a Creative Color

The importance of being disciplined with your creativity.

There is a spectrum of creativity found within people, that is between the real and the abstract.

Real taps into the physical, the truth, the facts, the now

The system, the calendar, the to do lists, the delegation

Abstract taps into the dream, the feeling, the meaning, the future

The brainstorm, the spontaneous, the sketchbook, the inspiration

Different people tune into different parts of this spectrum, as they usually appreciate one or the other.

I find myself heavily into the abstract side of the spectrum and am always with my head in the clouds, being perplexed upon a multitude of ideas.

This is great as I always have ideas on what creative endeavors can be done, and what projects can be finished.

However living in this abstract world of ideas, isn’t fulfilling.

I desired to see my ideas come to life in the form of writing, art, music, and videos.

I realized that in order to be creative we need to tap into the real side and establish discipline, design systems, and implement action in order to see our ideas come to life.

This means not just creating when we feel like it, but having set times in creating and converting our ideas from the abstract to the real.

For me it is releasing one post every Wednesday. I like to set these deadlines then just tell myself that it has to be done by this day, then somehow my mind and body work together to come up with a piece of writing that I think is good enough. At the end of the day my only goal is to be consistent and I have noticed the more consistent I am, the more I can write and the more profound ideas I have. I have started calendaring and forcing myself to be creative during certain times, because being creative can be trained and can be improved upon.

J.Cole practiced by writing down countless verses regarding random topics so he can train his mind to think in a rap-oriented way. When I was in songwriting class, we just wrote songs about random objects to work on being more descriptive with our lyrics. Artists copy the paintings of masterminds to learn and implement new techniques into their new work. Anyone can be creative and create, it all depends on how much they want it. Approaching creativity from a system-based approach is the way to keep pumping out art even though you don’t feel like it.

Next week I will discuss about the systems I use to be disciplined with my creativity and to make sure I am being intentful with the projects I am focusing on.

Thank you for reading, let’s grow together.

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Jamie Larson