How Roam Changed my Life

Now it has been over a year since I been using Roam Research.

What is Roam Research

Roam Research is advertised as a “A note-taking tool for networked thought.”

Here is a video going deeper into what Roam Research is and its features being explained by Ali Abdaal the guy who got me to use it:

Its meant for research and taking notes but I use it as a advanced journal/diary of sorts. However I don’t only use it for that purpose, but we will get into other use cases another time.

In this post I will discuss 3 major ways that Roam has changed my life

1. The Ability to Brain Dump

Everyday, Roam creates a new blank page with the current date. This blank page is perfect for my mind which likes to brain dump and organize later, then vice versa which Notion is good for. Thus everyday or whenever I feel like it, I just do a brain dump and write down all my thoughts down. This helps me clear my mind and just get down my thoughts on paper. I usually don’t hold back and write down whatever I am feeling. This is very cathartic for me as it feels good to just throw down all the thoughts I have into one app. Thus now I have the ability to go back into any day from the last year and see how I was feeling on that respective day.

2. The Ability to Grow

Since writing down all my thoughts, insights, notes from readings, or general advice, I have the ability to refer to this anytime I want. Thus overtime I can see how many thoughts changed and can reflect over events that have occurred. I can always look back to see how I was feeling and see how it changed or stayed similar. My favorite it to go back and read what I was feeling the day before a big event and see how it compared to the actual event. By reflecting and writing down my thoughts I can analyze if my thoughts were helpful and try to program a different mindset based on what is working and what is not. Over the last year I have felt that I have grown a lot and its really cool to see how my thoughts changed over the year. What is has taught me that things can change very quickly for better and for worse, and the only thing you can truly control are your own actions and reactions.

3. The Ability to categorize my own Learning

Roam has now become a second brain of mine. It has become a database for my mind. I not only store thoughts, but also ideas, and interesting concepts I have learned from articles, podcasts, and books. I can also look back and go over them at any time, and anywhere as long as I have an internet connection. Over the year I have gathered a lot of information from topics such as, Business, relationships, mindsets, music, design, and many more. I am slowly building my own library of resources and insights that I may be helpful tomorrow or even years from now.

Overall I am very grateful to have Roam Research and am also proud of myself for using it as much as I do. I can’t wait to see how my database changes and expands as the years go by. I recommend everyone to start journaling as it really calms the mind and lets you see how crazy you are really reacting. Overtime you will start to see your own harmful patterns and will be able to correct them in a hope of a better future. There are many apps, and you can even use paper, just make sure its in one place and that you can easily access it.

As always, thanks for reading, and letting me help you become better you!

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