How to Never be Sad Again

How to Never be Sad Again
"The Old Guitarist" - Pablo Picasso late 1903–early 1904

Emotions are a normal part of life and must be accepted. Failure to accept emotions will lead them to be bottled up deep within and will manifest in unhealthy ways. However drowning in your emotions is not productive. Honestly I don’t like having strong feelings or emotional reactions to any event. I want to be calm and content; I prioritize stability over anything. I don’t like feeling negative emotions but understand that they are important. I consider emotions to be simply feedback that my body is giving due to my perspective on a certain event. The same event can happen but based on your perspective and feelings around the event you can feel sad or happy. If you wanted an apple to fall and it fell you are now happy, if you wanted the apple to stay and it fell you are now sad. Thus the same event can lead to opposite emotional reactions based on your frame.

Thus Re-framing is very important. Re-framing is taking a negative event and changing your perspective and feelings around it to turn it into a positive event. This can be done by journaling and asking yourself questions to change your perspective.

In what ways am I grateful for this event?

  • This questions channels gratitude, a direct way to feel fulfilled and content with daily life. By approaching a negative event with gratitude, we can learn from it and be able to process it and move on in a healthy manner.

How is this the best thing that has ever happened to me?

  • My favorite question. This allows us to change a negative event into a positive empowering event. What doesn’t kill us, makes us stronger.

These are the two greatest questions you can ask yourself when re-framing a negative event.

Additional Questions:

Why did this event make me sad or anxious or (insert negative feeling)?

  • This questions helps you figure out your feelings and what happened to lead you feeling the way you currently do.

Am I physically safe, can I breath, can I walk, is my body in the same condition before the event?

  • Sometimes we are stuck in our minds, its good to zoom out and tell ourselves we are safe and we have time.

Will this matter tomorrow, next month, next year, within 5 years?

  • Most of the time it really won’t. Our world is so fast pace that most of the stuff that happens doesn’t really matter.

What this outcome within my control?

  • If it was then learn from it and see what you could do to change in the future, if it wasn’t then re-frame it into a positive event.

Did this event occur due to a limiting belief?

  • I have a bad habit of self-sabotaging and not believing in myself enough. This has lead to a lot of lost opportunities and event not going my way. It is good to evaluate your beliefs about yourself and remove the ones that do not serve you.

Thank you for reading, let’s grow together :)

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Jamie Larson