It’s All in your Head!!!

Many situations and problems that we go are mainly just in our head. We all deal with bullshit everyday but its up to us if we want it to affect us or not.

A great stoic quote is that “we suffer more in imagination than in reality” by Seneca

This quote is very simple to understand, most of are troubles are caused by our reactions to the situations rather than the situation itself. In many cases it’s best to ask yourself am I really in trouble, is something really bad going to happen? In most cases the answer is no. You are still safe and if something bad happens we can always find a way to get out of it, unless we give up.

Also we shouldn’t have to suffer before we have to. Many times I take on the anxiety of a future event before it even happens. My mind goes down all the worst case scenarios and it freaks me out. However I realized that I shouldn’t suffer before I have to, I should always go into an event with a positive mindset. Worrying about it won’t help it get better, thus being positive and open minded to what can occur is much better. Many fears and worries we have are projections of what the future may be like, while we ignore the future.

Many times the future is something that completely unexpected. An event or plan rarely goes the way it supposed to, and thus we should just hope for the best, because worrying about it doesn’t help either.

As always, thanks for reading and letting me help you become a better you!

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