Let’s Take Over the World

Let’s Take Over the World

Sometimes I look at my hands and think that with these two body parts I can change the world.

It’s crazy that the opportunities we receive in life are ones that we probably never would have expected.

I resonate the most with artists then any other label.

I love being a Masculine Man.

The universe responds to your deepest honest desires, if you don’t have what you want then you don’t really want it.

Some people are better than others, it is the animal hierarchy.

Everything is human, everything.

At the same time I highly value your opinion and don’t give a fuck about it as well.

We will always desire what we do not have.

Humans are fueled by negative thinking.

I am simply a vessel for the messages of the Universe.

The thoughts that occupy your mind the most reflect the needs that you feel are most pressing to fulfill.

If someone keeps talking about their intelligence then they are insecure about their body, vice versa, applied to everything.

In order to have confidence you need to have actually accomplished shit.

People follow confidence not competence.

If you hate yourself, you deserve it.

If you love yourself, you deserve it.

Too much Content Consumption = running away from reality

There is no correct way to live life, only perspective.

Everything in my life is my responsibility.

If you can’t control it, then why worry.

If you can control it, then why worry.

There is no good or bad, right or wrong, only perspective.

If you experience negative emotions, allow yourself to feel them instead of resorting to distractions like social media or drugs. Ignoring or suppressing these emotions can cause them to build up and eventually become overwhelming.

Things are just things but we give them meaning, we give everything meaning, actually nothing matters but we make it matter, thus we can just change our we want things to matter and what we want to matter. We can just latch on to whatever matters at a time.

The younger generations will always be better than the older generations.

We must connect with and teach the youth.

Life is lived forward, but processed backwards.

You need to have friends that call you out on your shit.

Did you enjoy your day, yes? Then who gives a fuck what another person thinks.

While money is important, relationships are even more important.

Everyone needs community.

Tomorrow is better than today.

Your either growing or dying.

Match my ambition or get left behind.

The only way to be valuable is to give value to other humans.

If you want to receive you must give first.

The outcome is never the outcome.

Narcissism and people pleasing are not mutually exclusive.

Work is just the tangible results you produce when progressing towards your goals

We do not do work, work is the result of our actions

I love women.

Meaning comes from commitment and consistency to an idea, a belief, a movement, a desire, a person.

I have the power to make my visions reality, so do you.

The end of your story is death.

I am better than other people, so are you.

I love my friends.

I love my family.

I love my life.

Thank you for reading, let’s grow together :)

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Jamie Larson