Live your Life, Everyone Will Die Anyways

Live your Life, Everyone Will Die Anyways
Saint–Tropez (The Port of St. Tropez) (1894) print in high resolution by Paul Signac.

I think one of the greatest things you can do in life is to ask yourself what do you want in life? Really dig deep and figure out what gets you excited and what activities make you feel alive. These differ from people to people, and it will never look the same for each person. Sometimes stronger personality types extend their view of life on to you when it reality their lifestyle would not work with yours at all. It is easy to think that if I follow their advice my life would be great but eventually you will learn that it will lead you astray away from what you truly want out of life. The only way to take their advice and implement it in a way that is beneficial is if you already know what you want out of life and what you want to do with it. Over the last couple of months I have realized that the path I am currently on is different than any of my peers.

Dentistry is a field like no other and thus the skills I need to learn and get proficient in will differ greatly. I will never have a boss, I will be responsible for maintaining and expanding my family’s already successful clinic, and I must develop excellent hand skills to provide life-changing service to my patients. I must also be very knowledge in art, science, technology, and social skills, which differs than most of my closest peers. My website and articles are mainly me helping myself discover what makes me alive and sharing my reflections and lessons along the way. The way I live my life will not work for you as it is very very very optimized to my life and my goals.

I also am sick of hearing other people believe their way of life is superior when it is not, it is just their perspective. Online, in person, and in events you can always find these people uplifting themselves and putting other people down. All this does it reveals an insecurity within themselves as they need to put in extra work to justify to themselves that they enjoy their life. I love my life and although there are many things that I am working on, I believe that my life will always get better and I will achieve my desires just as I have in the past. I think it is very important to learn how other people think and where they come from to truly understand their advice and their beliefs. There are many people that I have learned great valuable lessons from but would hate to live their life.

The only true way to win this egotistical war of life superiority is to just enjoy your life yourself. If you truly love your life you can endure any criticism or negative vibes you get from others who are either jealous or feel the need to put you down to raise their ego. Many different people value different things and thus because of the difference in values they will make decisions that may seem absurd to you. Thus is it important to explore your interests, follow your curiosity, and think about what do you enjoy. In order to feel the best you must pursue what strikes a chord within you, something that you cannot help but pursue. Its the same feelings as when explorers looked into the ocean and were like I must explore the world. We all have burning curiosities and passions that we want to pursue but don’t because of other people in our lives. If we keep living in accordance to their view we won’t ever get to live the life we desire. We are also very privileged and blessed to be able to make these decisions in life. Most people are suffering for food while we are suffering for fulfillment.

We all eventually die and nothing that we did on earth will even matter. Thus if you want to make music, run an ultra marathon, or make a fire lasagna, you should. You need to do what brings you joy instead of following the conditioning by society or those around us.

Thank you for reading, let’s grow together :)

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Jamie Larson