Protecting Your Peace

Protecting Your Peace
The dragon of moston from Ballads and Legends of Cheshire (1867). Original from the British Library.

If something does not concern me I don’t care about it.

Our current world is filled with so much noise and people around us constantly telling what to care about. If we keep listening to this noise and other people, then we simply become followers, and ignore what we truly care about. This leads to many people’s lives becoming draining because they spend most of their time doing things that don’t energize them. They have built a life around appealing to others instead of truly listening to their heart and they hate themselves for doing this deep down, I know I did. When I took the time to finally ask myself what I truly desire, how do I want to live my life, and started to see that I can make this happen, life truly became energizing. One thing that surprised me was that other people started to respect me more and my preferences. As I started to become strong in my beliefs and value and expressed my opinions and apathy, life started to become easier. This is because as I expressed what I cared about, other people listened and so did the Universe. The Universe always wants me to win and thus as I went after things that I wanted the Universe helped me out by presenting me opportunities to get those desired things. At the end of the day we are all going to die and going to be forgotten. Our civilization is so insignificant in terms the Universe. A meteor could hit the Earth at any moment and boom, all that people pleasing gone to waste. Thus we need to enjoy our short lives and make sure we get to do things we truly desire. Unfortunately we don’t have enough time to truly achieve everything we desire, and thus need to focus on what things truly matter, which is a journey so don’t be stressing if you don’t know yet. Here are some mindsets and techniques I utilize to protect my peace.

  • Is this battle worth it?
    • You have to really pick your battles and see what is worth getting involved in. I don’t debate and I don’t care to change people’s opinions unless they are open to it and/or want my perspective. When people around me argue and I am not involved in the situation, I just sit there and let it wash over. As long as one person is not overstepping and attacking the other person, I could care less.

  • I don’t watch the news
    • The one time I watched a news video on YouTube, my recommendations started to get flooded with negative headlines from all over the world. Being a sensitive person, I cannot handle that much negativity, especially when it comes to mass shootings. I get so frustrated and angry that I can’t do anything to bring the victims justice, that I start to lose faith in the world and start becoming pessimistic. As I hate being pessimistic as well as pessimists, its best for me to embrace “ignorance is bliss” and protect my peace in order to focus on things that bring me fulfillment and enable me to add value to the world.

  • Letting other people deal with their own things
    • I used to have this need to make sure everyone in the group or every person I hang out is in the best mood. I always looked for compromise and made sure everyone was happy. I would always try to help out a friend with their issues and try to give them unsolicited advice on how to deal with their troubles. Now I look at whether I am happy and do things that I want to do. If other people are down they will join me, if not that is fine with me. I let other people fight their own battles unless they ask for help.

I hope this was helpful as even I have a long way to go in trying to protect my peace and improve as a person. Thank you for reading 🙂

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Jamie Larson