Remembering Everything

I am pretty sure I have highly superior autobiographical memory, or Hyperthymesia. I am able to remember a majority of events that have happened in my life, the dates they have occurred, and can remember them very vividly as if they have happened yesterday. I never thought I could have this as I only was aware my memory capabilities when pointed out by my friends and family. It’s definitely an unfair advantage that I have, but I wonder how it could have developed.

I believe that everyone has an unfair advantage that they can find and exploit. For some it could be that they are god-gifted at numbers, some are very strong, and some are very sociable. Each of these traits if discovered and honed in can be used to leverage to achieve their goals. I started to realize that my memory was an advantage during high school, but I abused it during college. Most of my science classes, and my public health classes relied on memorizing and being able to recall huge amounts of information. During these times I also found Ali Abdaal’s studying technique of not taking notes but rather creating questions. Thus in order to study for my tests I just started to convert the study material into questions, ranging from 50-500 questions depending on the studying material and how much of the material was going to be tested. This started to really strengthen my memory I believe. I applied this method for every single class possible, accept for the classes where I actually do calculation or show work, but it really helped to lockdown the conceptual material for those classes as well. I changed every single class to fit my studying method regardless of the subject, in order to ensure I had guarantee success in every single class. However I believe studying for the DAT truly expanded my memories capabilities because I had to know SO MUUUUCCCHHHH Information, like it was an unnecessary amount, like I know too many details about how trees work, like bro who cares.

I realized that my unfair advantage was my memory, and then learned how to use to achieve success in my endeavors. However obviously I am not a god, or superior then any of you. I am not better than anyone else, I have just leveraged my strengths in order to achieve successes in the domains that I care about. I know people that are more physically capable than me, more sociable, more confident, and more charming ;). Women leverage their beauty on social media, organizing their army of simps and making enough money to do whatever they want. Singers leverage their voice to organize their army of simps and making enough money to whatever they want. Athletes leverage their physical capabilities to organize their army of simps and making enough money to whatever they want. I cannot be something I am not, but I can use what I have been blessed with, my unfair advantage, in order to achieve success. You can as well, think about it:

What is my unfair advantage?

Write it down, plan how you are going to leverage it, do it, and cultivate success.

Everyone has been given a gift by the Universe, its up to them to find it and then use to achieve greatness.

Thanks for reading, let’s grow together 🙂

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