Vietnam Baby!

Vietnam Baby!

Yo what’s good everyone. I just want to thank you all so much for reading and tuning in every single week. I also want to thank everyone for the kind words after last week’s post. It felt really good to know that people have my back. I feel much better now, way more motivated, and just ready to grind once I land back in the states.

First week of Vietnam has been an insane so far. Just really want to thank Tri for making this happen and taking care of me on this entire trip. I would not be here without him. I also want to thank his family and his brother and his brother’s gf for taking care of me and being so nice to me. The hospitality has been hella fire out here.

I landed here on Friday and immediately the weather hit. Its hot as balls out here and humid too. It took an hour for us to grab our bags from baggage claims because there are like hella people flying and everyone be shipping mad boxes. Got to tri’s dad house and it was crazy. He got an elevator in there and it be like 10 stories. Everything in vietnam is super vertical unless your rich af but we will get to that.

First thing we did is eat some food, shoutout tri’s dad for making me vegetarian food. Then we got some viet coffee and we got a massage. Everything is super cheap compared to the states. Coffee was like $1, massages were like $13 for an hour, and my god I understand why people get massages now. The massage therapist said I was big and tall, glad that gains are getting noticed, probably the first brown dude she interacted with LMAO. Then we got some vegetarian street food which was hella fire, then we eventually tried to sleep. But sleep was super difficult the first night, as expected from Jet Lag.

The next day we woke up after sleeping like 4 hours and got some viet coffee. This stuff hit bro I got super wired. Then we went to Tri’s brother, Tai, Hotel. We then took a taxi to our new hotel that tri’s aunt got for us, because we are also here for a wedding. The hotel was hella nice and tai didn’t really like it so he just left and that meant that me and tri got a room each. I also took a hot shower, which is really hard to comeby here, like bro I just want to take a hot shower. Then we walked around Saigon and saw some bougie-ass places. We went to a mall, saw a zara, saw a Rolls Royce Store, and some various other cool things that you can catch in the vlog that Is currently in the works. We also went to a market where everyone just be selling fake designer lmao. Right across a mall where they sell real designer. The Irony. We then went to nice ass vegetarian restaurant, and there are hella here. Shoutout vietnam and shoutout Chay, which means vegetarian in Viet. I didn’t think that there would that many vegetarian restaurants here, Tri was not kidding, and the food be fire too. Then we got another massage which was bussing and we went back to the hotel and got ready to explore the nightlife.

Next day after once again getting 4 hours of sleep because of jet lag we got up at 8, took a taxi to a Tea Ceremony, because Tri’s cousin is getting married, to a rich-ass dude. Like this dude family is like worth $100M. Then we got chauffeured to his house, and my god his house is nice af. Apparently this residential area is owned by Pham Nhat Vuong, richest dude in vietnam and in order to get housing here you need to be vetted by this dude, so this family got hella connections. This house was not vertical but a freaking mansion, with its own private spa and massage room. Their Villa also had an elevator. They also bought tri’s cousin, the bride, a brand new lexus which is like 3x states price, so like $200,000. Then we got served food, but they didn’t make vegetarian food so I just sat there and acted like I understood all the aunties and uncles as they conversed in viet. It was good vibes tho so don’t worry because right after me and tri went to go get banh mi’s. Then It was time to go to the wedding reception, which took place in the Intercontinental Saigon in this huge ass banquet hall that fit like 800 people. There was so many different people there and each table had its own attendant. Once again they served no vegetarian food in this 6 course meal, but don’t worry the Universe wanted me to win. After seeing how I didn’t even touch the chicken soup the table attendant served me, I told her I was vegetarian. 10 minutes after they just started serving me hella vegetarian dishes that they custom made for me, like people here are so goated and so nice, unlike the states and especially California. I was just blown away by the banquet hall and how grand this wedding was. Tri told me that viet people like to show off and I can see that, if you got the money then why not. Then we came back and I slept at 10 pm, earliest I have probably slept in years.

So the like most of this trip the next part was a surprise as each day I have no idea what is going to happen as we are traveling hella out here. Also shoutout to Tri’s aunt for setting up and paying for everything for our tour of Northern Vietnam.

The next day (monday) we went back to tri’s dad house but just for a little bit because in the night we took a flight to Hannoi, North Vietnam, and the weather here is hella cold. It went from 80 degrees in Saigon to 55 degrees in Hannoi. Neither me or tri were prepared for this and I am glad that i brought pants. However since the flight got hella delayed we landed here at 4 am, and then went to tri’s cousin’s house and slept for 3 hours (tuesday) because we had to get up at 7 am to get on a private bus. They picked us up and we drove 2 hours to ninh binh and got a tour of the ancient capital of Vietnam. We went also got take on a two hour boat ride and saw some insane nature. The boat ride was hella cool and people here paddle with their feet. Then we got taken to another resort and I was so excited to take a hot shower, but guess what I could not and the water was freezing. Luckily the resort staff hooked us up with heaters otherwise we would’ve been freezing. Dinner was aight, and me and tri ended up sleeping at 9:30 pm. Today we woke up at 7 to then get driven 3 hours to get on a cruise of Ha Long Bay, which is hella fire. The boat be hella nice and they be hella accommodating. There are also hella indian tourists from india in the north. I was the only brown guy in Saigon fsho, and I enjoyed the endless amount of stares and attention I received as I roamed the streets of Saigon. Also I am bigger and taller than pretty much any of the locals here so I do stand out. The cruise in Ha Long Bay is amazing. It just such vibes out here and people once again are super nice. The rooms we have are super nice, wish the shower water was warmer tho but having a great time. They served me hella gas chay food for dinner and then we called it an early night because tmrw I gotta wake up early again. Also on the cruise I ate some chocolate, tripped absolute balls and had a lot of realizations.

I feel so much more motivated and am ready to grind once I am back in the states. Definitely have more purpose and direction now and am excited to see what great things await for me in the Jordan year. Realized that I have the power to make life the way I want it, and I control my destiny. I am here for another week so will give a part 2 next week. I am exited to celebrate Lunar New Years here as I know its gonna go brazy.

Thank you for reading, let’s grow together 🙂

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