Weight, Wealth, Women

Weight, Wealth, Women

I have achieved nothing of significance in my life

I want to change that

I Need to turn my attention from

Learning to Applying

Brainstorming to Building

Surviving to Thriving


I have 3 goals this year

Lifting more Weights

Generating more Wealth

Pursuing more Women

That is all

My mental health has been in peak form ever since coming back from Vietnam. My confidence and belief that I will achieve all that I desire is at a all time high. I am a goat and have surrounded myself with goats and will continue to do so. I have conquered anxiety and have conquered certain limiting beliefs. I am not even 10% if where I want to be but I have made significant progress in my deeper goal of becoming a superior man.

However I also have a lot of shortcomings. I am still trying to cultivate passion for life and have to learn how to deal with my emotions in a healthier way.


I realized that as I have put on more muscle my life has just gotten better. In almost every single aspect of my life has improved since I started to work out. I thank my past self for consistently going to workout. However as I have taken more responsibility at the clinic, I have found myself prioritizing fitness a little less. I realized that doing fitness needs to become mandatory in my life. I listen to my feelings too much, it is no longer serving me. I realized that I cannot rely on my feelings and should tell myself to stfu and put in the work regardless how I feel. My feelings and my desire to be comfortable have only hindered my potential. I must chose suffering, but it is a difficult choice when all my life I have only known comfort.


I have a lot of desires and a lot of things I want. But all these things cost a lot of money, talking about thousands, even 100s of thousands of dollars. However life has taught me that achieving what you desire is never a if but simply a when. I am certain i will reach all I desire but I do not know when. So I will keep trying things and keep learning until I get there. I know the path I am already on is one of success. I have an empire waiting for me so I must train now in order to expand and conquer. I really want to experience what I did in Vietnam but in any country and any place I desire. I also want to feed my friends and family. I want to get my mom a beach house property in Newport Beach. I want to build my dad a massive temple near where he will reside in the future. I want to be able to support my family and not have money as a limiting factor. I hope to achieve my goals by 50 even earlier the better. But this is a goal and I will be simply pursuing it.


I have always been attracted to women, but I have been afraid to admit it. I have always been shy and reserved when it comes to this topic. But over the years as I have expressed more interest and leveled up myself as a man I have received more success with women. I realized a fault of mine is that I have not expressed direct interest towards women that I find attractive. I realized that when I do and apply game I am quite successful. However a year ago once I ended things with a girl I became lost. As I was left so traumatized I didn’t want to pursue women. However after taking with some friends, I have realized that I must pursue women for my own good.

Thank you for reading, let’s grow together :)

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Jamie Larson