We’re Still Monkeys

We’re Still Monkeys

We’re still Monkeys

We’re still animals that like shiny things and sugar.

This is a core part of how humans operate and how the world works. Most business and products out there solve the core issue of avoiding pain and pursuing pleasure.

However I believe that we differ than monkeys because most of you reading this have all your physical needs met. You have water, have food, have shelter, and can get anything you would like. However once our physical needs are meant, we are blessed with a new set of problems.

Most products and businesses cater to this first layer of desire, however now we see in the developed world that products and business are catering to the next set of desire, the desire to be fulfilled.

Humans are not afraid to feel sad, and there are many people that enjoy this feeling, which is why people watch sad shows and sad movies. People love to feel. The absence of feeling is emptiness, or the lack of feeling. Emptiness tends to be an emotional flat line, where you are not sad, happy, mad, or frustrated but rather you feel nothing. Many people are scared of this feeling because too much emptiness leads to one not being able to experience the joys of life, and eventually death.

Everyone has their different methods to fill this emptiness, and there are obviously good ways and bad ways. Everyone goes through life experiencing emptiness from time to time which leads to them to find ways to fulfill it, which leads them to pursuing a myriad of hobbies, actions, and experiences. I believe that this emptiness is a key to help us identify what fulfills us. When we talk to a person, start a new job, or even in our day to day activities, this feeling of emptiness may arise. But that is a good thing because it means that this activity that we are doing or goal we are pursuing is not the thing that will fulfill us. Also emptiness comes in when we are doing an activity for years, but soon we find ourselves not enjoying it as we used to, meaning that we should try something new. Our desire to be fulfilled is a new privilege that the members of the developed nation get to experience.

We are stressed to find fulfillment, others are stressed to find food.

I think having this realization can help us calm down a little and stop being paranoid about being fulfilled. We are lucky to be able to think about fulfillment, as most humans in history and still today have to think about survival. I believe people in my generation are paranoid about finding fulfillment right now when their only 20 years old. I don’t think we will find fulfillment this early. Life is long (if you keep yourself healthy), and you have no idea what will make you happy when your 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, or 80. Everyday you change and become a different person and your idea of fulfillment changes as well. An 18 year old might find fulfillment from playing smash bros, dancing, and shallow relationships. A 22 year old might find fulfillment from creating, hanging out with friends, and creating meaningful relationships. A 45 year might find fulfillment from taking care of his home garden, taking his kids to school, and playing golf with his friends. Our definition of fulfillment will change, no matter what.

Instead of being stressed about finding the dream job or the job that will bring fulfillment for life, forget about it, because in a year it’s going to be different. Life is a cycle of fulfillment and emptiness. Getting Boba in high school brought me so much joy, and now I rarely get it. Stop putting so much pressure on yourself regarding one job, one person, one hobby, one location. One thing will never give you fulfillment, its culmination of everything you do in your life and your mindset that will give you fulfillment and this changes because life changes.

The only thing that is constant is change.

If its good enough, then its worth it, you can always change in the future and guess what you will. I met a second year dental student who is a 55 year old man with 6 kids and a grandchild, who was an electrician for 20 years. What gave him fulfillment 20 years ago obviously does not give him fulfillment now, so he changed his careers. Our interest and who we are will change, so stop worrying about the rest of your life with the decisions we make today. Yes they have high impact but we just got to go with the best option and not think too much of it.

Action is the cure for overthinking.

Once we make a decision we are able to make more decisions and we should also evaluate every now and then and ask ourselves, “Will I feel fulfilled in this direction”, if its a yes stay there and go deeper, if its a no then YOU CAN CHANGE. Sometimes it feels like we owe it to our past and other people to not change. If you don’t like your life you can change it, stop worrying about what other people will think. The moment you desire to change, others will stop you because their comfortable with the current you. The thing about change is that no one likes it. They will try to stop you but you must be strong in your convictions because only you know what is best for you.

Fulfillment I believe is a topic that I am too young to ponder. I believe this idea of fulfillment eats away at our youth and prevents us from enjoying the day to day and enjoying life. Although the decisions we make today are important we shouldn’t let them paralyze us from making progress.

Every step is progress regardless of what decision, because with every decision and every experience we get closer to what will give us fulfillment, and guess what it’ll probably change next year.

Remember we’re still monkeys.

Thanks for reading, let’s grow together!

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Jamie Larson