You Will Never Feel Like It

Once again, here I am staring at this blank page not knowing what to write about. I didn’t want to write today because I just didn’t feel like it. I feel this saying “I just didn’t feel like it or I just don’t feel like it” has been hurting me all throughout my life.

In university in my clubs it was promoted to not push yourself to hard, to take breaks, to practice self-care. I hate all those soft ass people now, why was I taking advice from people who cried every night and constantly talked about how much they hated their lives. People would tell me, “hey its fine bro life is hard, its fine if you don’t like feel like it today.” But then another day would go by, and guess what I still don’t feel like doing my tasks. Then a week goes by and I feel worse and worse and mad at my inability to get the work done as I said I would. Our lives are not hard, they are too easy. We have everything we ever needed at our fingertips. We don’t even have to go outside anymore, we can order food, groceries, and so many other items straight to our homes. Because of this increased convenience, we can keep getting away with the phrase “ I don’t feel like it.”

However we will never feel like it. Doing things and taking action is automatic discomfort. Since our lives are so easy and so comfortable, taking any kind of action is going to feel uncomfortable so of course we aren’t going to feel like it. In my past I have said this many times about gyming, eating healthy, finishing my tasks, and making connections with others. However what did I do instead? I just sat home and scrolled on TikTok in my comfortable room, while slowly killing my soul. These activities that we do for comfort are killing us, they are taking us farther and farther away from the person we want to be. Luckily I have had positive influences on me during this dark time who have told me to keep pushing and go to the gym even though I didn’t feel like it, shoutout Tri <3. This is ultimately discipline and I realized that I needed this. However I didn’t need discipline for school or work, because I always got my work done, I needed it for my personal development. I needed it to be a better, happier, and more fulfilled person, who can become a beacon of positivity for those around me. I needed discipline for my own life, for my own goals, and my own passions.

Having this Wednesday deadline for me is wonderful and I greatly appreciate everyone who reads this and to the people that keep me accountable for my articles. I am working on removing, “I don’t feel like it” from my vocabulary, but it will take time and I will be patient. There will be days where this phrase wins and I cannot combat that. There will be days I will feel absolutely terrible and will have no motivation to do anything, that will happen. However when those days come I will honor them. The main issue is that I say this phrase even when I feel great, even on days where I am full of energy, and I don’t want to use this phrase unless its absolutely necessary.

Thanks for reading, lets grow together <3

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Jamie Larson